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UCI Championships come to town

Updated: May 20, 2021

Cheering on local girl "Lizzie" at the World Championships

Lizzie Deignan leading the chase group onto the circuit

The excitement had been building since last weekend when we saw the para-cyclists going past, but our enthusiasm drained as the forecast for the week played out (Did you catch these guys who obviously weren't up-to-speed with riding in Yorkshire?!). In fact, Saturday morning found us at Harrogate Climbing Wall, definitely avoiding the whole cycling thing.

“Yeah, let's go and see Lizzie.”

More on that another time, perhaps, because on leaving the wall, the sky was clear and the air was warm and we were able to dream that perhaps we'd have a local winner and given we were about 2 miles from the Harrogate Circuits, it would be a bit daft to just head home. And once Ben had realised that Lizzie was riding (and remembered that he had been cheering her on in the Tour de Yorkshire), none of us needed any further encouragement to catch the bus into town for the latter part of the race.

And so we spent the afternoon banging on the boards as all the riders went past. The Little Chaps definitely got into the spirit of things and now we can say we were there when the UCI came to town.

Sometimes, you've just got to wing it and go with the flow (and make sure you have extra snacks in your bag!) and be thankful we didn't go on the Sunday which was a proper Yorkshire day!

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