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About us and this page

Our family

Andy a.k.a. Daddy


Jenny a.k.a. Mummy


Thomas & Ben a.k.a. The Little Chaps 

Our page


This blog is designed to be, primarily, a record of all the adventures that we have had as a family. However, it is also an library of all the hints and tips that we (Andy & Jenny) just wish had been available to us before we started on this amazing journey as Daddy and Mummy.


We met while at university, as members of the Hiking Society and from the moment we met, it was clear that both of us just enjoyed being outdoors. It didn't matter where, what the activity was or even what the weather threw at us, outdoors was the place to be. We soon focused our activities (mostly because our kit store - garage - was only so big!) on Mountain Biking, Rock Climbing and Mountaineering, with a fair amount of walking and camping thrown in for good measure. Work was a place we went Monday to Friday for a rest and to plan adventures for the next weekend or holiday.








Our van was our ticket to freedom, our weekend home-from-home and we biked, climbed, camped and hiked whenever we could, in the UK and further afield. Mountains were climbed, waves were surfed and bike parks were shredded. And the common consensus is that eventually you should grow up, get married, have kids and the adventures come to an end (or you have to squeeze in what you can, when you can - how many people do you see getting in their run or cycle before the kids get up on a Sunday morning?!). 


We were both in agreement, that wasn't going to happen (ending the adventures!). We would do whatever it took, source the equipment we needed and continue our adventures, inspiring our children to love the outdoors, grow up with confidence in their own abilities and be able to make their own risk judgement calls which would feed into other areas of their lives as they grow up. The only issue was where to start. What kit was available? Where could we go? Crucially, how long until we got back into the mountains?


Basically, we've made it up as we have gone along, and this is how we did it!


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