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First Aid Training

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I first undertook First Aid training when I worked in an Outdoor Centre - First Aid skills being an obvious part of any job that involves looking after people and also an essential part of holding Instructor Qualifications.


Since that initial course, I have undertaken higher level training and acted as the designated First Aider in the workplace, as well as keeping my qualificiations valid.

One of the things that never ceases to amaze me, whenever dealing with an incident, is that sometimes you need to do so little but to do it well and confidently which massively increases survival rates and reduces recovery time.


Having a very simple system and skills to fall back on are invaluable, in any setting, but particularly if you like to get as remote as possible. I think it is brilliant that these skills will start to be introduced through schools in the near future.


We all need to look after each other in the hills and I cannot recommend enough that everyone undertakes some sort of first aid training. 





If you live in or near Leeds then check out the courses available with Underwood Training


In particular check out the Outdoor Incident Management course which puts the essential first aid skills into an outdoor context (after all, this is likely to be where you are heading if you are reading this page!) - this course also validates outdoor leadership qualifications.


If you are a new parent and know other parents (e.g. from your NCT class or equivalent) then the First Aid for Parents course can really help to put minds at ease - we know just what it is like to have a new born with a massive temperature and to be in that "do I bother A&E?" situation and some basic knowledge can really help the nerves.

More involving (and really for people with a duty of care towards children but still very useful skills to have) is the Emergency Paediatric course - children are NOT small adults and some relevant knowledge and skills can really help if a situation arises.


Check out course dates and the website for more details



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