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Mill Gill Force

Distance: 7.20km
Ascent: 210m


One of our best child-friendly walks! Wensleydale is a great valley to walk in with great views whether up high or lower down in the valley. This walk heads out from Askrigg to visit two waterfalls and has an amazing lunchspot.

Map: OL 30 

          OS Explorer Yorkshire Dales

          Northern and Central areas


Parking: Car park in Askrigg


Grid reference: SD 950 913  




Mill Gill.PNG



  The route description starts at the church in the centre of Askrigg - a short walk down from the small car park.

  Handily, also next to the cafe in case you want coffee first or cake after!

  Go down the street to the right (Northern) side of the church. Continue past the last house and then take a footpath through a gate on your right. The footpath is made of stone slabs across a field. At the end of the field, enter the woods. There is an old mill building here with an interesting aquaduct / mill race to bring water to the mill that the Little Chaps spent a short time looking at.

  Follow the path in the trees until a small turn off on the right leads you up to Mill Gill Force. Then return to the main path. Go up a short hill and take the path left at the top. Go across fields to the road just outside the hamlet of Helm.

  At the road, turn right uphill and a small path at the end of the road leads past the houses to the fields behind. Go though the first field and then turn right on a Bridleway that leads down to the river. Turn left here and go up a short steep slope into the trees above the river. 

  At a sign that says path ends in 400m, take the left option past this sign! A short climb up and then take the right fork back down towards the river where a short scramble in the river bed takes you up to the waterfall. You have to return all the way back to the signpost to continue.

  At the signpost for the second time, take the right fork down to the river, over the bridge and up the other side. A short climb up in the trees brings you to a couple of benches that are perfectly placed for lunch. A great view over towards the hill of Addlebrough (another extremely worthwhile and child friendly route in Wensleydale - click here for details).

  It is now only a short distance back to Askrigg. Cross the stile into the lane and turn right. Follow the lane downhill to the right. An obvious bridleway leads through a large gate on the right - ignore this as it takes you back to Helm! Instead, take the next footpath about 2 fields later through a small gate. Follow this path downhill until you come to  a barn stood all alone in a field. Go straight over this field (ie NOT towards the church in Askrigg). This takes you into a small field that is sometimes used as a campsite belonging to the pub and a small path leads alongside the wall of a house to the main street in Askrigg. Turn right for cake and turn left to the car park.


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