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Map: OS Explorer OL7

         The English Lakes South-Eastern area


Parking: Parking available in Elterwater or on the main Langdale valley road where there are laybys (road parking) and a second carpark.


Silver How from Elterwater

Distance: 11.50km
Ascent: 511m


Silver How.PNG

A lovely ridge walk that feels like a "proper" mountain day.  Fuel well and start as early as you can. Once you have completed the main climb, it is a lovely walk along the ridge with great views in all directions.


  From the carpark in Elterwater, cross the bridge over

the river (towards Little Langdale) and immediately

turn right next to the the river. This road leads to the

Slate Quarry but you soon turn off right to follow the

river as the road climbs uphill. Drop back to the river

and follow the path along to the footbridge.

  Continue past the footbridge and follow the path uphill, into the quarry and follow the signs through the quarry back into the woods and up to a gate.

  Go through the gate, onto a track and turn right (West) towards Great Langdale. Follow the track (tarmac) through the woods and you will come to the farm/campsite at Baysbrown. Continue on, follow and old road sign (!) that points to Great Langdale where you return to the woods. As you leave the trees, the track drops down towards the barn at Oak Howe. Turn right here, across the footbridge and head up to the main valley road. At the road, turn left and follow for a short distance, past a few houses until you come to a footpath signpost on the right, leading through a gate. Take care along the road as it can be busy with people heading further up the valley but it is likely the main morning traffic up the valley will have dropped off by the time you get here.

  Through the gate and the steep climb of the day begins. This is steep but is also almost all of the days uphill so you can take your time and pause to admire the view of the valley towards Lingmoor, or right down to Windermere. The path heads towards your left (up valley) which feels off route but it soon comes back right after a huge glacial eratic boulder and up to a stile. Cross this and continue up the path. The trees on our OS map are long gone and it is mostly bracken on the fell side.

  At the top it is easy to find a resting point with a view! If you climb any of the smaller tops then you will get a view down into Easedale and towards Grasmere village. We had lunch before continuing.

  Now you pretty much pick your own route East! The terrain is undulating and can be wet in places and there are several paths. Pick the route that seems easiest and heads East. Silver Howe is the last major highpoint along the ridge and is well over to the left (North) as you walk down the ridge. It is possible to stay to the right and bypass it completely so don't miss out on your Wainwright tick!

  From the summit cairn, you need to head back to the South to continue your descent along the ridge. The further East you head, the better and easier the descent into the valley. It is tempting to take many of the "path" options that you will see but most are not paths and soon turn into streams which then drop over some of the crags along the edge. It is not worth the risk of attempting to descend early and cut the corner - it won't save time as you end up coming back up! You can see the road up to Red Bank ahead and should head towards that before taking the easy grassy slopes to the road.

  Cross the road and make for the footpath that leads back alongside it towards Elterwater - and the cafe (or pub!). 







  This is quite a big day out for little legs but the Little Chaps loved being on the tops. Walking on the Lakeland tops is a wonderful experience and this is a great walk to achieve that. There are some great views that will inspire future adventures in the area. The main climb is steep but we promise you that it is worth the effort. The Little Chaps said "a good job we took lots of biscuits"!!



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