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Rhylstone Cross

Distance: 10.57km
Ascent: 372m


This is a nice easy route - a great loop to walk when you are just getting into walking as a family - with straightforward navigation and loads of points of interest (a quarry, memorials, rocks to climb/scramble, great views) to keep conversation flowing and Little Legs moving. 

Map: OL2 Yorkshire Dales

          Southern and Western areas


Parking: There is a large layby on the corner of the B6265 as the road leaves the village .

Also some parking by the duck pond in Rhylstone.


Grid reference (of layby):  969 587 


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  From the layby, walk back towards the Duck Pond. Cross the B6265 road (busy) and follow the small lane up to St Peter's Church. Continue past the church into the farmyard and follow the Bridleway signs towards Cracoe. No navigation is required, simply follow the lane!

  As the track drops down to meet the main road, take a right into Back Lane and follow this right through the village. At the end, turn right uphill and continue up the track to a gate and the end of the field system.

  There is a large sheep fold here that always entertains the Little Chaps. Lots of gates, lots of ordering the sheep (mummy and daddy) about - what's not to like?!

  Go through the metal gate on the left and pick up a small path that starts to head uphill. It heads left across teh fell to begin but as the ground gets steeper it curves back to the right. A few big, steep steps in the middle but this is pretty much all of the uphill for the day and you soon reach gentler slopes and the War Memorial comes into view. A great view and a great place for a rest. Or cross the wall and you will see some great scrambling rocks.

   Cross the wall at the ladder stile and turn right. Now follow the path alongside the wall. The wall provides great shelter from the wind which helps in Winter. It is about 2km to Rhylstone Cross. You can cross the wall on a ladder stile to explore the area or to just sit on the rocks for a snack. You will need to cross back over to continue along the path.

  The path comes to a large bridleway at a gate. Go through the gate (turn to the West) and follow the track as it starts to go downhill. Follow all the way down, past some trees to another gate at an obvious junction.

  Turn right here and follow a short distance to a well signed right turn. To continue straight on here leads to the B6265 and a very busy road walk back so turn right! Follow the track all the way back to the church to retrace your steps down the lane back to Rhylstone.


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