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Cathedral Quarry from Elterwater

A nice short walk for days when the weather on the tops is unsuitable for Little Ones and adults alike (or for a shorter day). The cave section is great fun and an insight to industry in the area, as well as being a great torch-lit adventure.

Map: OS Explorer OL7

         The English Lakes South-Eastern area


Parking: Parking and toilets available in Elterwater or on the main Langdale valley road where there are laybys (road parking) and a second carpark.


If you park on the valley road, walk into Elterwater (pub, cafe and toilets here) to start the route as described


Distance: 7.00km
Ascent: 252m



  From the carpark and toilets in Elterwater, turn left 

along the road towards Little Langdale. You will 

pass the Youth Hostel after a short distance.

Continue on the road until there is a right turn, 

uphill on tarmac at a house and opposite the Hotel.

  Go up the tarmac road and stay left at the junction,

turning onto a rockier (non tarmac) track. This 

continues steeply for a short distance before the 

gradient flattens out and becomes easier. Continue

on to a gate across the track.

  Through the gate and continue on the track. Go

through another gate and onto a track which becomes the tarmac access road to the farm. Go down to the junction with the valley road. At the valley road turn left, then almost immediately right and follow the path down to Slaters Bridge. This is a wonderful old bridge and worth a photo stop! On the way down, admire the views up valley towards Wrynose Pass and the Weatherlam Horseshoe (which we will return to one day!). Cross the bridge and go up to the next gate onto a track.

   Turn left on the track (down valley) and look for an obvious track on the right that leads off to a gate. Through the gate and up a short steeper section to the cave entrance. The information boards are well worth your time.

   You don't need a torch for this first section. A short tunnel leads into the massive "Cathedral" where a small stone pillar has been left to support the roof. The "pond" in the corner sometimes has fish in it but it is very deep. Continue across to the obvious exit which is another small tunnel. There is a short scramble beyond this which can be slippery when wet (it is Slate). From the top you can get around to look back through the window into the Cathedral. 

  However, you want to go more or less straight towards the quarry wall from the top of the scramble. The rocks/boulders are large in places and can be slippery (we often go here on wet days!). There is an obvious path right next to the quarry wall that leads down towards a small opening in the cliff face. Be careful of the "helpful" handhold wire attached here as it is quite old and some of the wires stick out and are sharp.

  At the bottom it is time to turn the torches on. Now follow the tunnel into the middle of the hill! You know when you have reached the middle as the tunnel opens up into a large room and makes a good passing place with parties coming the other way. There is a short tunnel off to the right that is a dead end but worth a look as it too open into a large working area. A fence stops you going too far. It is really good to get right in here and turn off all your torches and be alone in the complete darkness. I once went through here with no torch which was "interesting". I wouldn't necessarily recommend that approach to everyone!

  Return to the middle room and continue along the other tunnel (a right turn from the dead end tunnel!). This tunnel is lower in places. Not an issue for the Little Chaps but it will be for Mums and Dads! You soon emerge from the darkness onto a large flat platform. This is our usual snack (possibly lunch) point. 

   Descend to the left down through the trees to a stile and cross to drop onto a track. Turn left and head towards the river. Admire the ford (if you are lucky some 4x4's may come past), before crossing the bridge and heading up the lane to the road. 

   Turn right past the pub, along the road, and continue to Wilson Place farm where a signposted footpath will lead you uphill. You will return to the earlier track from Elterwater at the gate. Go through the gate and turn left to descend through the woods, straight ahead when you reach a track, and down to the Slate Quarry. We often stop to look at the quarry vehicles and there is a viewpoint over the large quarry pit to the right. Climb up to it just where the road leads out of the far side of quarry. The bridleway actually leaves the road here and descends left, down to the river. Follow the riverside path back to Elterwater.



  The Little Chaps love this adventure! But then, what's not to love?! A short walk with some good views of Little Langdale and the surrounding mountains, the excitement of a cave adventure, possibly 4x4's going through the river (sometimes badly which really is fun to watch!!) and then, to top it all off, quarry vehicles (diggers, dumper trucks, the full lot!) and quarry workings to look at. There's even a small beach down by the river for a bit of stone throwing. This is a great little walk, full of interest and one that we return to time and again.



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