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Beamsley Beacon

Distance: 10.50km
Ascent: 281m


Both of the Little Chaps have this walk as their first "mountain" day out where they walked the full route under their own steam. This route makes the most of the ridge and makes a great circular walk (better than just up and down the main track!)
When there is snow up here, it is a nice, safe winter walk that is really close to home.

Map: OS 297 Lower Wharfedale and Washburn Valley


Parking: There is a large layby at the cattle grid just near to Ling Park Plantation.

From Ilkley Rugby Club, follow Denton Road and then Langbar Road up the steep hill. This becomes Hardings Lane and after passing a farm, the road bends to the right and the layby is just a bit further on, on the right hand side. It is marked by a trip point on the map.

Grid reference: 106 504 



Beamsley Beacon.PNG


  Cross the cattle grid and follow the track along the side of the plantation. Continue to the obvious junction, marked MS (milestone) on the map.

  Turn left, down the main double-track and follow down and then uphill and the track makes a turn to the left. There is an unmarked (on the map) shortcut across the corner of the field to the right which can be wet. It is easier, navigationally, to continue on the track alongside the wall to a gate. Turn right through the gate. Follow the track down to a stream crossing.

  Immediately after the stream, turn left on the bridleway (no signposts). This is a faint grassy path that follows a line of shooting butts. This path continues all the way to the top so just keep going. You will come to Round Hill where you meet other paths and you turn left to cross the wall. 

  This makes a good lunch spot. If the wind is in your face, continue along the wall slightly downhill to a gate. You can easily shelter on the other side of the wall here!

  You now follow the ridge South-Westwards. This can be muddy in places but the path is obvious. You will come to a cairn on Old Pike which has a signpost stuck into it. Continue on a little further to the massive cairn and trig point on the top of Beamsley Beacon. There is a great view from here (as there is all along the ridge).

  Continue down the ridge all the way to the road. Turn left on the road and, after a short distance, turn left onto a track. Follow this along to Blackhill House where you can take either of the footpaths that take you back to the road again. Turn left on the road and follow back to the car park.

  **To avoid this final road section you can follow the track all the way around the edge of the fields. At the Eastern end the track goes back onto the moors and becomes more path-like. You now end up walking slightly uphill to turn right down a small ridge back to the road where you turn left to return to the car.



  This is a nice and easy walk with quite straightforward navigation. It feels more remote that it is as you spend a lot of time on heathery moorland and have some great views over the Wharfe Valley. A great walk for Little Ones because the paths are good, there is not too much climbing but it still feels like a big day out. A family favourite that we return to time and time again.





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